Current Price Checker
Discover the Best Deals with PriceChecker!
Are you tired of endlessly searching for the best prices online? Look no further! Introducing
PriceChecker, the ultimate app designed to help you find and compare prices from all your
online stores in one place.
How It Works:
Search: Enter the product you’re looking for.
Compare: View prices from various online stores.
Save: Choose the best deal and save money!
Shatoo App
Get notified when your child has been picked up from home, dropped off at school, and when picked from school and dropped off at home by the shuttle.
The application also comes with a driver dedicated version that enables them access learners' information .i.e school, home address, and guardian's contact all in one place. Notify parents or guardians whenever you pick up or drop off their children without making a call.
More information can be found on the app website.
Start a Chat With Unsaved Number
Extract phone numbers from posters, flyers, business cards and initiate a chat. Get phone numbers from captured images, screenshots, or text. Share with JC an image, screenshot, or a line of text that has a phone number you want to have a chat with, the application will detect, extract and list the phone numbers it has detected giving you an option to start a chat with your desired chat platform.
Referex App
Referex App is an online business solution for individuals or agencies to keep track of how many visitors have come through each referral URL shared by influencers
Go to websiteAskariapp
Askariapp provides citizens, visitors with all the security information needed to better their safety. It crowd-sources for area safety data and provides community members with information/statistics based on secure feeling and current events reported by other users who have been in that area, Askariapp aims at making you feel a lot safer either settled or on the move.
Read MoreItunemachine
Itunemachine is an online platform that provides free high quality mp3 ringtone downloads for mobile phones. This website has a variety of ringtones that include, alarm ringtones, instrumental ringtones, message and notification ringtones and much more. Users can also create name ringtones using AI driven text to speech.
We built Itunemachine for the entire world, the platform is available in multiple languages including germany (Klingeltöne), french (sonneries) , spanish (tonos de llamada), Japanese (着信音), Dutch (Beltonen), Korean (벨소리), Italian (Suonerie), Norwegian (ringetoner), chinese (鈴聲), Finnish (soittoäänet), Polish (dzwonki na telefon), etc.
Browse RingtonesDpsmiles
Dpsmiles is a free platform that offers a variety of profile pictures and Display Pictures (DP). The platform has over 500,000 high-quality images suitable for everyone. Dpsmiles images are perfect for Whatsapp DP, Facebook profiles, Twitter and other social media platforms. On this platform you also get access to a profile picture maker that helps you create unique and outstandingly beautiful profile pictures by applying filters, blends, and effects..